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The Up North Beerfest will be held on the grounds of the Hi-Pines Campground in Eagle River, Wisconsin. Craft beers from more than 30 breweries will be featured. Attendees will receive a souvenir tasting glass and can learn about the brewing process from some of the Midwest’s most celebrated brewers.


What is a beer festival?

Beer festivals are an appreciation of beer. The Up North Beerfest is a great opportunity to try many different styles of beers from many different breweries. Feel free to ask questions and make plans to visit some of the many quality breweries. Many of them offer tours.

Here’s what to expect at the Up North Beerfest:

  • No carry-ins will be allowed. This includes backpacks and coolers.

  • Children and pets are not allowed in the festival area. You must be 21 to enter the festival area, no exceptions.

  • Parking is available at the festival. Please take your time parking properly to allow others to enter and exit the grounds safely.

  • Smoking is discouraged and is not allowed inside the tents. Smokers, please DO NOT throw your butts on the ground!

  • When you arrive at the ticket area, present your ticket along with your ID to receive your wristband, commemorative tasting glass, and event program.

  • Once you have your wristband on you may proceed into the staging area. After 2pm you will be allowed to enter the festival grounds.

  • Breweries will pour 2oz. – 3oz. samples of their beers for you. Please do not ask them for a full pour, they want everyone to be able to sample their beers. Be sure to thank them for coming! Without them we wouldn’t have an event!

  • Please DO NOT camp out in front of a brewery or the homebrewers table. Other people would like to try some too!

  • Make sure you have a safe way to get home. A designated driver will get in free with your paid admission. We also provide a free bus shuttle if you are staying at participating area hotels/motels. Thank them for sponsoring such a valuable service. You can reserve a campsite adjacent to the festival grounds. If you choose to camp, please be aware of the campground rules and be sure to thank the camp hosts.

  • Your tasting glass is exactly that, a tasting glass. You will want to sample many different beers, but take it easy. The future of our beer festival depends on everyone acting in a responsible manner and not overindulging. This is important for everyone’s safety too. If you break a glass, you must bring all the pieces to an Up North Beerfest volunteer immediately. They will provide you with another glass (if available).

  • Eat something! Whether you eat at the festival or before you arrive it’s important not to drink on an empty stomach. Eating slows down the absorption of alcohol in your system. The Eagle River Rotary Club sell food and snacks at the festival.

  • Picnic tables will be scattered throughout the grounds but feel free to bring a lawn chair.

  • Protect yourself. June weather in Wisconsin is unpredictable. Wear comfortable clothing, a hat to protect you from the sun, and footwear. Please DO NOT go barefoot. The festival will be held rain or shine.

  • Bring a camera and some cash….photos make good souvenirs or you can purchase souvenir items on the festival grounds.

  • Stick around! Eagle River has many restaurants, shops, resorts and motels, so plan to stay after the fest to relax and enjoy the weekend.

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